# Git (advanced)

# Setup

# Git Bash

Git Bash is a terminal application that provides (among others) a BASH emulation to run Git from the command line. The BASH emulation behaves just like the git command in LINUX and UNIX environments.

Git Bash is part of the Git for Windows (opens new window) package. We refer to Webdesign Essentials > Tools > Git(Hub) (opens new window) for installation instructions and more information. To check your version of Git for Windows, open a new Git Bash window and enter git --version.

$ git --version
git version 2.47.1.windows.1


If Git is already installed, you can update Git directly from within the terminal:

$ git update-git-for-windows

# Recapitulation

If version control is applied to a project, you have an online repo(sitory) on Github and a local repo(sitory) on your pc:

  1. You can start from a local project on your pc, make it a local repo and connect it to a new GitHub repo
  2. You start by cloning (git clone) an existing GitHub repo (to which you're added/invited as a collaborator) to your pc (see e.g. your repo of Webdesign Essentials)

REMARK: private vs. public

So far, you used the basic/centralized Git workflow:

  • After you have written some code, you transfer it to the online repo by using the sequence of commands:
    git add -> git commit -> git push
  • You used git pull to update your local repo to the latest published version on GitHub (e.g. when your teacher added content to the repo)

# .gitignore

  • In the root of a project/repo
  • Contains a list of files/folders that should not be tracked/included in the repository

Example: .gitignore of css_bootstrap_demo_project (opens new window)

  • Line 1: .DS_Store (a file in every macOS folder containing the user's view preferences) is added for macOS users
  • Line 2: .idea is the folder containing the user's PhpStorm configuration of this project
  • Line 3: .vscode is the folder containing the user's Visual Studio Code configuration of this project
  • Line 4: the folder node_modules can be easily reconstructed by npm install (or npm ci) and should never be included in the repo


  • In the root of a project/repo
  • Contains important information about your project
    • What the project does
    • Why the project is useful
    • How the project can be used
    • ...
  • Appears on the GitHub "home page" of the repository
  • Written in markdown (.md) format

Example: README.md of css_bootstrap_demo_project (opens new window)

# Bootstrap Custom Variables Demo

This project demonstrates the use of custom CSS variables with Bootstrap to create a
consistent design system. The project includes custom styles for alerts, buttons, and
callouts using predefined color schemes.

## Technologies Used

- Bootstrap 5.3.3

## Usage



# .git folder

The .git folder contains all the information that is necessary for your project in version control

  • Remote/GitHub repository address
  • Commits
  • Commit history
  • Branches
  • ...

Do NOT remove this folder!

# Feature branch workflow


GitHub recently (from October 1, 2020 on) renamed the default branch (opens new window) from master to main. Consequently, the term master branch still (frequently) occurs in documentation you find online.

The basic (or centralized) workflow only uses one/the default main branch resulting in a lot of disadvantages, especially when working in a (large) team on a (large) project

  • You can't release urgent changes because of an incomplete feature
  • Your code is not reviewed by team members leading to more bugs
  • You tend to have more (complex) merge conflicts
  • ...

Basic workflow vs ventralized workflow For team projects, it is therefore considered to be good practice to use the feature branch workflow, where multiple branches (one for each feature) are used

# Workflow description

Suppose you have to take care of a specific project feature/task (implement a new functionality, fix a bug, ...)

  1. Create a branch from the (most recent version of the) main branch
    • Tip: Include your initials (or name) and a good description of the task in the feature branch name
    • Example: git branch jj-change-home
  2. Switch to this newly created branch
    • Example: git checkout jj-change-home
  3. Do your magic on this branch
    • Possibly multiple commits, all locally
    • git add .
    • git commit -m "commit message"
  4. When ready, push your branch to GitHub and ask (one of) your team members to review/validate your work and merge it with the main branch (= Pull Request)
    • git push (copy, paste and execute the full push command that Git shows you!)
    • Go to the GitHub page of the repo and make a pull request
  5. Switch back to the main branch, pull its most recent version and start all over again at step 1.
    • git checkout main
    • git pull


When you work on your project, always check first (use git status) whether you have really switched to a feature branch!

NEVER make any project changes on the main branch!


By changing the PhpStorm terminal (from cmd) to Bash, the branch name is made visible (between brackets) after the prompt: bash bash-example1 bash-example2

When reviewing a pull request, you have 3 options:

  • Approve: submit your feedback and approve merging the changes proposed in the pull request
  • Comment: leave general feedback without explicitly approving the changes or requesting additional changes
  • Request changes: submit feedback that must be addressed before the pull request can be merged


If you (are asked to) update your code, be sure to switch back to the specific branch (git checkout ...) to commit/push the necessary corrections

Merge conflicts

  • After a pull request is approved, it might happen that it cannot be merged (into the main branch) because there are conflicts
  • These conflicts are indicated by the markers <<<<<<<, ======= and >>>>>>> Git conflict
    • Between <<<<<<< and ======= you can find the code in the branch corresponding to the pull request
    • Between ======= and >>>>>>> the conflicting code (in the default branch) is shown
  • To resolve these conflicts, remove the conflict markers and modify the code to be kept in the final version (one of the code fragments or a combination of both) Git conflict


Most (simple) conflicts can be resolved online (on the GitHub site) using the approach explained above.

If your conflict can't be solved in the browser, contact your teacher (as the instructions provided by GitHub are not applicable in our case) ...

# Flowchart


Download Feature branch workflow - Flowchart as PDF.

# Example scenarios

In the screen capture below, this flowchart is illustrated by means of two example scenario's (without and with conflict)

You can download Feature Branch workflow - Example scenarios as PDF.

# Resolving merge conflicts on GitHub

# References

Last Updated: 1/5/2025, 11:14:24 AM